Tuesday 26 May 2015

Doctor Who and the Blue Moon - not available in bookshops!

This rather epitomises the way I work. I was on Twitter over the weekend and a certain photo of Peter Capaldi suddenly started showing up in my feed. 

Taken on location over the weekend, he was holding an iconic prop from the original series - namely the Metebelis Three crystal that featured in both The Green Death and Planet of the Spiders

I instantly had one of my inspirational "if-only" moments and set to work creating a Target cover from scratch to reflect the acute fanboy nature of the image. 

Before you ask, I have no idea what "Doctor Who and the Blue Moon" is about. I could use the excuse 'spoilers' to cover that up but honestly, I have no idea why the Doctor is holding a blue crystal on the banks of the Thames opposite the Houses of Parliament whilst a giant moon hangs ominously in the sky. It just looks cool doesn't it? 

My thanks to David Bickerstaff who took the original picture on location over the May Bank Holiday when he presented Peter with his own souvenir from the planet Metebelis Three. 

Hopefully, the good Doctor can put it to good use during the next giant spider invasion!